How Off-Site Conferences Can Bring Employees Together

by Alesa Larsen

Over time routine can take its toll not only on the happiness of employees but also on their overall productivity.  A big contributor to this is the same routine and environment day in and day out. Every so often employees needs a change of pace to recharge and re-energize, resulting in a happier and better-performing employee.

Off Site Conferences Improve Employee Morale

Davis Conference Center lobby
Let Davis Conference Center staff help you!

Coordinating an off-site conference for employees can be just what they, and the company’s bottom line, are needing.  With a new surrounding for a meeting or event, employees will be more alert and attentive. This can also go a long way to getting your team’s creativity flowing, ultimately leaving the conference with plenty of fresh and new ideas to move forward.

Team Building Exercises Promote Camaraderie

In offices, it can be easy for small cliques to form, either departmental or otherwise.  Employees tend to stick with what, and who, they are comfortable with. This can create a division within the company, limiting the communication that is so important to the organization’s success.

Davis Conference Center People Gathering 01

Conferences are a great opportunity to bring everyone together, encouraging all employees to work as a team.  In particular, adding some team-building exercises in which employees who may not regularly interact are paired together can be very effective.  You may be surprised at the ideas that can be generated from these teams, as employees begin to feed creativity from one another.

The relationships and work that is done at an off-site conference is something that your employees will take back to their everyday routine on the job.  Work that is done at a conference will continue giving back to the organization in the form of happier more productive employees long after the conference has ended.

Fahrenheit Lounge
Cocktail hour at Fahrenheit Lounge, inside the Davis Conference Center.

The Davis County Conference Center, located just miles from the Salt Lake City airport, provides a perfect opportunity to engage your employees.  With a state of the art conference facilities, employees can come together on-site, while enjoying the many attractions that the area has to offer on their off time.  

Attendees that visit the Davis Conference Center are sure to have a positive experience that they can then bring back to the workplace.