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B’nai Shalom Spring Gathering 2025

April 3 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us Thursday, April 3, Bountiful Central Stake Center, 640 S 750 E, 6 pm dancing, 6:30 pm potluck dinner to encourage kibitzing (join us even if you can’t bring anything), and 7:30 pm fireside. (Times throughout the evening are approximate.) Our fireside will feature Dr. Ross Baron, professor in the Ancient Scripture Dept from BYU. He taught at the BYU Jerusalem Center in 2018-2019, and we are excited to get to know him! His topic will be “Conversion, Abrahamic Covenant, and Enduring to the End.” Get to know him more, including 9 unique things he has done, at: https://religion.byu.edu/directory/ross-baron. If you are not part of our email list, we encourage you to join at https://www.mormonsandjews.org/ – click “Apply for Membership,” or message us on Facebook and we can add you.